Minggu, 21 Juli 2013

Dating Agency : Cyrano

Dating Agency:Cyrano itu judul drama korea yg baru sy tonton. sekedar mengisi waktu luang aja. Ceritanya lumayan seru, apalagi genre ny Comedy Romantis. Dari pengalaman-pengalaman sebelumnya (*cieeeh pengalaman), yg genrenya comedy romantis pasti seru. yaudah mulai nonton.

Mulailah ngakak ngakak sambil nonton film. Smpe akhirnya di episode 3 ada Taemin Shinee, hahaha kirain cmn cameo doang yang cmn sekali muncul. Eh tenyataaa, dia ikut jadi client di Dating Agency Cyrano. wahahahaha ngakaaaaak :D Jadi keinget Naeun deh hahaha, reality show WGMnya apa kabar yaaa? hahaha eh tapi kan ini filmnya udh dari mei yaaaa, lupa deng bulan mei udh mulai syutung WGM belum yaaa. hahahaha yaudah lah yaaaaa, yuukkk lanjut nonton  :)

Senin, 15 Juli 2013


waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa >_<
gatau mau ngomong apalagi waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

hahahaha ngakak jir gilaaaa :D
film monstar tuh bener-bener astagaaaaaaa hahaha
knpa bersambungnya musti kyk gitu waaaaaaaaaaaaaa

heran deh sm film satu ini bisaaaaa aja buat penonton histeris ckckckc
pokoknya satu kata aja yg bisa sy ucapin waaaaaaaaaaaaaa
spechless jir parah ckckckc :D

astaga astagaaaaaaaaa
saking histerisnya gatau mau nulis dimana hahahaha

astagaaaaa astagaaaaaa
masih ada 3 episode lagi, masih 3 minggu
haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, knpa lama bgt sihhhhhh

haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bener-bener deh ini wahahahahaha
parah bgt lah hahahaha ngakak histeris ckckck
pokoknya satu kata yg bisa terucap, teriak histeris "waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" >_<

Jumat, 12 Juli 2013


Di posting kali ini sy akan membahas tentang Monstar :D

Ohiya, karena males alias ga tau-tau banget bahasa inggris ya sdh skrg sy posting nya pke bahasa indonesia saja ya hahaha :p

Jadi sekarang selain nonton Itazura na kiss love in tokyo, sy lagi nonton drama korea Monstar.
Awalnya sy ga terlalu tertarik sih, gatau knpa. Mungkin krn masih sibuk kuliah jadi film yg dinonton cukup Itazura na kiss sm reality show Running Man saja. Tapi krn sekarang lagi liburan dan ga tau mau ngapain, yasudah akhirnya nyoba nonton Monstar.

Dan hasilnyaaaaa, waaaaah :D langsung ngefans bgt sm film satu ini. Film ini sejenis sm dream high sih, tentang musik dan dunia sekolah. Hmm mungkin biasa, tapi itu dia yg bikin seru, dunia sekolahnya itu loh yg ada comedy romantisnya wahahaha. Bikin ngakak deh. Peran utamanya itu Junhyung (B2ST). Awalnya sy ga tau loh ada boyband korea B2ST, eh ralat. Tau nama lah ya, tp ga tau personilnya dan ga tertarik bgt. Oh iya, emang sih sy dasarnya ga suka-suka amat sm boyband. Kebanyakan sukanya yaa krn habis nonton drama korea atau reality show korea aja, kyk Hyungsik ZE:A taunya krna nonton Romantic and Idol jadi ngefans deh. Tapi yaudah ga ngefans-ngefans amat hahaha setelah beberapa saat biasa aja deh :p maap yaaa hehehe.

Nah, karena skrg lagi nonton Monstar, yaaaa berarti bisa ditebak sy lagi ngefans sm Junhyung-oppa hahaha :D sebenernya sih ga cakep-cakep amat tp krn perannya itu lucu bgt dan kyk hebat bgt composing lagu yaudah deh jadi ngefans hahaha. Akhirnya nyari-nyari infonya deh. Dari youtube dan google. Oh iya, di film itu jg ada Ha Yeon Soo yang jadi Kim Se-Yi. Menurut sy sih mereka cocok bgt dibandingkan dengan Kang Ha-Neul yang jadi Jung Sun-Wo, soalnya chemistry nya itu cocok baaaaanggeeeeet. Tapi waktu nonton conference pers nya Monstar kok mereka ga deket yaa, Junhyung-oppa lebih pendiam. Ha Yeon So lebih sering ketawa bareng Kang Ha-Neul. Yaaaaaaah, males bgt.

Tapi ternyataaaaa, sy dpt berita yg mengejutkan. Junhyung-oppa pacaran sm Go Hara (Kara) Woaaaaah, daebak! Tapi yang mengejutkan lagi mereka udh putus. waaaaaaaaah :'( kok bisaaaaaaaa? katanya sih karena mereka sama-sama sibuk. haaaaa ga relaaaa. Padahal udh liat foto-foto dan beritanya kyknya so sweet bgt, udh hampir 2 tahun pulaaaaa ckckck dan mereka putus sebelum mulai syuting Monstar loh. haaaa, pantes aja waktu pers conference monstar itu Junhyung-oppa pendiam, ga bnyk omong, mukanya juga datar-datar ajaaa. ckckckc ternyataa. yaudah deh ga jadi kecewa krn ga deket sm Ha Yeon So, tapi jadi kecewa krn putus sm Go Hara. ckckckck

Walaupun kyk gitu, sy tetep nyari info Junhyung oppa :) dapet deh Radio Star episode B2ST hahahaha ngakak bgt lah group itu. Walaupun masih rada ga rela Junhyung-oppa putus sm Go Hara tapi yaaaa semoga nanti balik lagi hehehe :p *ngarepbgt*

Yaudahlah yaaa, skrg nungguin film Monstar ep9 tayang. Mau cepet-cepet tau lanjutan ceritanya kyk gimana, plus liat akting Junhyung-oppa yang kereen :D wahahahaha Film ini recomended bgt buat yang suka film sejenis dream high. Pokoknya harusss nontooon hahaha :p

Udah dulu yaaa
Bye ^_^ See you next time

Selasa, 09 Juli 2013

So boring but happy

Hi everyone! :)
For long time i didn't posting in here. i'm sorry about that but now i will try to post something coz i have nothing to do hahaha

I just want to share about what i feel and doing around this time. so, if you don't interesting just close this blog website and doing something else. LOL :D

This is my first holiday being alone. Especially, this is not just a holiday, it's a ramadhan :D i will fasting in here (jatinangor), in my room. wooah, i can't imagine what will happen. Let's see,,

Now is 9th of July 2013, 13:20 (wow, so detailed, right? i just amazed to my self a second ago when i write that :D)

Back to the topic, this day i don't fasting, i will start tomorrow because i'm in government side :p
Now I don't know what to do, i feels so bore. But beside that i don't know why i'm feel so happy. hahahaha maybe because for 5 months ago i feel busy.
wahaha it's sounds like i was a busy person, but for real it's not. i just think, what i have been doing in that "busy" time. ----------------think----------------------- hm, i forget hahaha oke, so this time i feel so happy because I have a lot of free time :D i love free time <3

And then, i start thinking what should i do and the only choice i have is online. There are lot of things i can do when online, like open tumblr, facebook, twitter, and of course blogger and wordpress. When i write this post, i have been change my twitter photo (avatar) and posting some photo in my tumblr and it's really take much time. But after that busy activity, i feel confused again, what should i do now? and i thinking about this blog, so i opened it. I realized that i never posting in this year. I read the last post that i made and there was 4 comment. I read Kuma's comment and it's remind me to my old blog. At that time i just think, "Aaaah, maybe i should check that blog to remember what i have been doing in senior high school". So, I try to login in blogger, coz there is no way to read that blog except you must login first. And tadaaaaa, the eiffel background come to my screen. waaaah, i have been posting a lot.

I start to read. I pick the post that i made in 2010 and read it. A few moment latter i just laugh wahahaha, why i write that. so, "something" >_< i just feel shame at that time. how can i write that kind of article. woaaaah, i can't believe it. i just LOL and cover my face with hand. wahahaha I really can't read it anymore :D and about the language, oh my god :o how can i use that kind of language wahahaha. maybe coz i read a lot of novel so i was being inspired and write that kind of article wahahahaha

okeoke, i must accept that i write that. i was young that time. eh but wait, i still young now :D
oke, the language is doesn't matter, what's the meaning behind that it is important :p hahaha no one understand coz no one know my article, right? hohoho 

And actually, i just read some of them, not at all because i can't stand it hahaha i think that's enough, i remember all that moment hahaha and then i think to post something in this blog ^_^

I think that's all. I want to take a bath :p hahaha what time is it? 14.26
It has been 1 hour 6 minutes since i start write this post. i think it's enough
okee, goodbye! have a nice day! :)